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Larossa by Primehomes

Larossa is the first phase to bloom in the Primehomes community. Three buildings have sprouted: the Camia and Sampaguita towers, which are both ready for occupancy, and the Magnolia tower, which is on its way to be fully operational by September of 2019.


Charming spaces for your charmed life

Primehomes offers a variety of both furnished and semi-furnished options with our dressed-up units that will complement your lifestyle.


No need to spend time and effort for your abode to have that special look and feel that suits you.


Exciting developments

soon to rise in Primehomes

Primehomes will soon be bringing more nature-inspired developments to Capitol Hills. Inspired by the grand rainforests of The Philippines and Spain, this new phase will add to the verdant community that Primehomes envisions to create.

Image by Sebastian Scholz (Nuki)

Smart Homes

Like you, Primehomes is all about convenient and nature-friendly living alternatives. We are developing ways to make you live in a community that is sensible, sustainable, and smart

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